CBCCoM Club Meeting
London Bridge Pub 256 Figueroa St, Wharf #2, Monterey, CAOur first meeting of the year will be at our favorite British Pub in Monterey Topics will include a review of this years upcoming events and future direction of the club.
Our first meeting of the year will be at our favorite British Pub in Monterey Topics will include a review of this years upcoming events and future direction of the club.
Our March Meeting will include a Pre-Drive for you folks that wish to partake. We'll start at the Kellogg house in and travel along the 17 Mile Drive through Pebble Beach and then along the coast through Pacific Grove with our final destination being the London Bridge Pub on Wharf #2 in Monterey. The Pre-Drive … Continue reading "CBCCoM Meeting and 17 Mile Pre-Drive"
Our April meeting will be back at the London Bridge Pub and will feature a Pre-Drive beforehand TBD. Let us know below whethr you'll be taking the Pre-Drive on your RSVP.
Our May meeting will be at the London Bridge Pub and will feature a Pre-Drive beforehand. We'll use the same route we did back March. A trip through Pebble Beach along the water to the London Bridge Pub. We'll start a little earlier on Monday in order to have enough time to park our cars … Continue reading "CBCCoM Meeting with a Pre-Drive TBD"
As the London Bridge Pub is too busy for us during the summer, we'll have our meeting at Larry Trom's house in Carmel Valley Dan O'Brien will be constructing a Blog/Food Sign up Process to insure the food selection will be adequate. We'll plan to meet at the Crossroads Starbucks and head on to their … Continue reading "CBCCoM Club Meeting and Potluck"
This will be a fun meeting as our Hosts, Fred and Lorie Saunders are planning an authentic British Potluck at hteir house off of River Road. Food Items to bring need to be British in nature. Dan O'Brien will be setting up the Blog/Food Sign up Process
Once again we'll be back at The London Bridge Pub
Our last Pub meeting of the fall will be held on Monday , October 21 back at the London Bridge Pub at 6:00 pm. Pre-Drive to start at the Kellogg House in Pebble Beach at 5:00 pm Meet up between 4:30 and 4:45
End of the year meeting with nominations for Club offices.
This year our Holiday Celebration will be held at the Club at Pasadera with a Buffet Lunch. The cost per person is TBD Save $xx per guest if you order by June 30, 2025 CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE YOUR MEALS OR SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE REGALIA PAGE