About Us

Update – March 1, 2025

The Cypress British Car Club of Monterey has stepped up and is in the process of becoming a 501(c)7 Social Club.

We have a Board of Directors:

President – Steve Kellogg

Vice President – Vivienne Talbott

Secretary – David Langley

Treasurer – Barry Jones

Membership Director – Marie Wiens

Social Director – Lorie Saunders

Webmaster – TBD

CBCCoM By-Laws Prepared January 27 2025

CBCCoM Articles of Assoc with Signatures



The Cypress British Car Club of Monterey

The Cypress British Car Club of Monterey was born on February 21, 2023.

Ten British Car Owners got together and set the groundwork for the club to include all British Marques and Years to encourage increased membership and participation in events, drives, social functions and tech sessions. For the rest of 2023, the club will be “normin and stormin” to become a premier car club on the West Coast.



The Cypress MG Club of Monterey

The Cypress MG club was an outgrowth of the Monterey Peninsula MG club started in the late 1960’s by Windom Estes, and  two fellow students.  These three men were connected with the U. S. Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California. Since they were each owners of a T series MG they thought it appropriate that an organization be formed.

The club functioned through the early 1990’s when some of the original organizers began to move from the area.

In 1999, John Grundy, Windom Estes, and Bruce Obbink put their heads together and decided that the club needed to be modernized, and reestablished. This time, however, it was determined that the MG club of the Monterey Peninsula should be inclusive of all MGs and not limited to the T series only.

The new Monterey Cypress MG Club held its first meeting at the Baja Cantina, Carmel Valley Road in early 1999.  Purpose of the meeting was to determine if enough interest was still around to bring the club back into action. The vote was a resounding yes.

The club elected to remain affiliated with the New England MG Register, but operate on its own, obtain liability insurance and begin to recruit members. Following a two-month recruitment period, the club boasted of 30 new members.

The purpose of the club is to foster the maintenance of the breed of MG cars, engage in automobile shows as groups, exchange  technical knowledge, participate in social activities and enjoy the pleasures of owning and driving an MG car. The club will endeavor to schedule a monthly event and publish a monthly newsletter

Anyone that owns an MG automobile, regardless of year or model is eligible to join the organization.