CBCCoM Club Meeting
London Bridge Pub 256 Figueroa St, Wharf #2, Monterey, CAOnce again we'll be back at The London Bridge Pub
Once again we'll be back at The London Bridge Pub
Our last Pub meeting of the fall will be held on Monday , October 21 back at the London Bridge Pub at 6:00 pm. Pre-Drive to start at the Kellogg … Continue reading "CBCCoM Club Meeting and Pre-Drive"
End of the year meeting with nominations for Club offices.
This year our Holiday Celebration will be held at the Club at Pasadera with a Buffet Lunch. The cost per person is TBD Save $xx per guest if you order … Continue reading "Cypress British Car Club of Monterey Holiday Celebration"
We will have our 2026 Planning Meeting at the Kellogg House in Pebble Beach. We will plan the upcoming year's Drives, Tech Sessions, Activities, Pot Lucks and monthly meetings We … Continue reading "CBCCoM 2026 Planning Meeting"
First Meeting of the Year